How it all started....

Some say Tinder is a scam, superficial or just used for hookups, well it is. However, every now and again the stars align, fingers are crossed, rainbows will shine on that big pot of gold and you will find the one.  Ana being from Guam and Mykael from the Bay Area but just coming from Japan, both were new to San Diego.  Since all the cool kids online date, they both were on it.  On November 2nd a simple swiping right, brought together two people who had never met, but soon would never want to be apart.

The Proposal

Fourth of July was approaching, family was visiting from Guam, and everyone was FINALLY feeling safer to gather in large groups, so we wanted to host a Fourth of July party. Little did I know Mykael had big, big plans...

For over 9 months, Mykael had been meticulously planning the design of the engagement ring. He wanted it to be unique and resemble the Guam seal. Knowing that my family was coming into town, he reached out to them and asked for my Mom's permission. He designed two custom engagement boxes to commemorate our love for cats and started telling all our friends that the big day was coming up.

One would think I would have picked up on a few signs - like the fact he went with me to get a mani/pedi and helped me pick out my nail design; or he refused to let me decorate the house because he said he was working and wouldn't have enough time. Everyone knows I LOVE to be festive. 

When the party started, I was so focused on preparing the food and the number of people that were showing up. It didn't dawn on me until right before we were going to eat when my bridesmaid Kat was pulling my arm to come outside.   

When I say he planned every detail, he made a playlist that he had coordinated different cues with friends a few days before. He had my sister facetime my best friend Tara in Boston. When I stepped out into the backyard and heard our song - Chris Lane "Big, Big Plans", I just couldn't stop balling with tears of joy. It was finally happening!  His "coworker" I just met was actually a hired photographer, and when we walked into the house after pictures, the whole inside was decorated with engagement decorations and a big banner with our photo in the kitchen that said "Congratulations!"

Everything was perfect!